Pet-a-life: Return to Nature, Seed Can
Pet-a-life: Return to Nature, Seed Can
#寵物善終 #客製似顏繪 #種子罐頭 #回歸自然
產品介紹 / Product Introduction
在寵物離開我們之後,主人心中的空缺往往難以填補。為了讓寵物的愛與陪伴以另一種形式繼續存在,我們推出了「Pet-a-life 回歸自然」服務,將寵物骨灰與植物種子結合的方式製作成種子罐頭,象徵著寵物的生命力以植物的形式重生,為主人帶來新的生機。
「Pet-a-life 回歸自然」不僅為你提供象徵生命延續的種子罐頭,我們更特別邀請了台灣人氣插畫師「正在吃」為你的寵物度身訂造似顏繪插畫作為種子罐頭封面。每個種子罐頭將因此變得獨一無二,賦予了更多的情感和意義。
這項服務亦完美體現了我們品牌的理念——Una Promesa Eternal,主人與寵物之間永恆的承諾和守護。選擇「Pet-a-life 回歸自然」,讓寵物的愛與生命在大自然的懷抱中永不凋謝,永遠陪伴在你身邊。
When a beloved pet leaves us, the void in the owner's heart can be difficult to fill. To allow the love and companionship of your pet to continue in a different form, we present the "Pet-a-life: Return to Nature" service. This unique service combines your pet's ashes with plant seeds, creating a symbolic seed canister that represents your pet's life force being reborn in the form of a plant, bringing new vitality to the owner.
"Pet-a-life: Return to Nature" not only offers you a seed canister that symbolizes the continuation of life, but we have also specially invited the popular Taiwanese illustrator "Eatinglife" to create a custom pet portrait as the canister's cover. Each seed canister will thus become truly unique, carrying more emotional significance and meaning.
You can choose from various plant seeds, such as sunflowers representing hope, cornflowers symbolizing purity, and clover for good luck. Each plant carries the love of your pet, continuing to grow and protect you by your side.
This service also perfectly embodies our brand philosophy—Una Promesa Eternal, the eternal promise and bond between the owner and their pet. Choose "Pet-a-life: Return to Nature" to ensure your pet's love and life remain ever-present, flourishing in the embrace of nature and forever accompanying you.
注意事項 / Important Notes
- 骨灰的主要成分為碳酸鈣,遇水會結塊。
- 請將骨灰放在種子罐頭的最底部,然後用營養土覆蓋,最後才進行播種。
- 淋水時切勿過量,保持營養土濕潤即可,避免過度淋水導致植物根部腐爛。
- The primary component of ashes is calcium carbonate, which may clump when exposed to water.
- Place the ashes at the bottom of the seed canister, cover them with nutrient-rich soil, and then plant the seeds.
- Water the soil sparingly—just enough to keep it moist. Avoid overwatering, as this could cause the plant's roots to rot.

- 避免陽光直射
- 避免潮濕環境,不需要淋水